Friday, February 12, 2010

Blog #6 Portrait of a Place

Director: Trey Moore
Director of Photography Micah

TRUST NO ONE from UA, Telecommunication and Film on Vimeo.


johnnty santa said...

nice video. good closeup shots and night shots.

JBARGE said...

Living on the edge!! Good job son! Nice gun effects with the "sparks", and good night scene shots!!

Alex said...

I like the first scene where you're lighting the cigarette. It really sets an ominous tone for the rest of the piece. Especially with (I think) the gain turned up it gives it a gritty feel and really makes you seem like a bad guy. Very nice. I also like the set up with the pan in the apartment to the girl doing the dishes. It seems so normal until you find out her real purpose. Very nice!

cmtortorici said...

The end was really shocking! great job setting up that moment. Also gotta love Phil Collins.

LKP said...

The CU on the phones were really clear and served a really great purpose in telling the story. The CU of the vault were good because you had a slight over the shoulder shot that, again, helped move your story along. Your night shots were also really clear and didn't appear to be grainy.

Clifton336 said...

It's funny because I just got done watching Alex's video about puppy love, then I start this one and the second scene is some guy with a pile of cocaine.

Anyways, I liked it. It definitely told a story, and you made it very easy for the viewer to know what to be looking at, with all of the pans of the camera.

Colter said...

great use of lighting to make the story seem dark and ominous.